Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why I Take Cold Showers

For over a year and a half now, I've taken a cold shower (often two) every single day. I've read several articles extolling the benefits of cold showers. You'll save money by using less energy, it helps maintain the health of your skin and hair, it improves circulation, stimulates brown adipose tissue, relieves depression, increases testosterone, and boosts immunity. But these are all superfluous when compared to the main reason why I shower with cold water:

Cold showers build mental toughness. Hot water is a luxury that I don't want to become too attached to. I want to push the limits of my comfort levels. Cold showers have certainly helped me deal with daily physical discomforts.

Polar Bear Swim in January. Not as cold as a cold shower.

Even after taking hundreds of them, I have yet to get used to cold showers. I'm not sure if I ever will. I know what to expect, but I'm always a little hesitant before the cold water hits my skin. My body immediately reacts with panic. "Get out! Get out! Get out!" I tell it that it is fine, and it will be over soon. Once the initial shock subsides, it really isn't that bad. Relief floods my body once I turn off the water. For the next 10-15 minutes I'm in a different state of mind; vitalized yet calm, ready to take on the challenges that may lie ahead. It's a great way for me to begin my day. When I do encounter a difficulty, I will often remind myself of how I overcame the cold shower I took that morning. I'm fortunate to being living a life in which the vast majority of my daily stresses and struggles aren't as formidable as frigid water.

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